The Key Stage 1 department consists of Infants 1 and Infants 2 (UK Years 1 & 2). The children are offered a wide and varied curriculum that is taught through a range of methods to suit individual learning styles, encouraging them to be confident and independent learners.
The children learn their literacy skills through various reading schemes and the encouragement of emergent writing. We stress the importance of books and the joy of being a reader. Reading and writing is taught through the Oxford Reading Tree, Rising Stars including online books and Read, Write, inc. and schemes which teach letter sounds and basic digraphs using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic clues.
Numeracy skills are developed through using lots of practical activities alongside the Abacus Maths scheme. The children work with numbers up to 20 for addition and subtraction, while at the same time investigating number patterns with numbers to 100. The studies of shape, space and measure are covered with practical activities.
The children’s progress is carefully monitored through observations and regular teacher assessments, both formal and informal. At the end of this phase of education, children are confident of their abilities and are enthusiastic and prepared for Key Stage 2 (or the Junior phase of education).