Foley's School
Past School Trips
Each year, a number of school trips are organised, both locally and abroad to enable our pupils to experience and appreciate different cultures. In recent years, the school has run trips to:
- China
- France
- Greece
- Iceland
- Spain
- Vietnam
- Sri Lanka
- Mongolia
- Peru
- Germany

As has become something of a tradition, Form 1 spent part of the Easter break in Greece. On a busy trip they started in Nafplion, taking in Mycenae and climbing down (not up – kids these days!) the 857 winding steps to Palamidi Fortress. In Athens, they visited the Olympic Stadium, the Acropolis Museum and the Parthenon. One of the highlights was a guided tour of the Parliament building. Another was the day trip to the island of Aegina, famous for its Pistachio nuts!

Mongolia and China Trip
Here are a few photographs to give you a taste of this summer’s trip to Mongolia and China. The trip began with a day in Moscow, on the way to Mongolia’s capital city Ulaanbaatar. The 42 pupils and 5 teachers then had the fantastic opportunity to experience, first hand, the nomadic way of life in regions outside of the city, staying in a number of Ger camps. A highlight of the trip was the Nadaam festival, with its horse-racing, wrestling and archery. After 9 days in Mongolia, they travelled on the famous Siberian Express to see the sights of Beijing and to hike on the Great Wall of China. As well as having an enjoyable and exciting experience, the pupils learned a great deal about the intertwined history and culture of these two fascinating countries.

The first hike of 2019 took us from Anglisides to Mosfiloti and included a climb up to the impressive Stavrovouni Monastery, which is perched precariously on the top of a rocky peak at 750m. Legend has it that it was founded in the 4th century by St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, who left a relic of the Holy Cross at the monastery. The spectacular views over the island made the arduous climb more than worthwhile – although, as the hikers pointed out, that’s easy for me to say when I drove up in a 4×4!
Our intrepid hikers were out again at the beginning of February, this time for a 2-day hiking and camping expedition in the beautiful Akamas region. As you can see from the photographs, the views were stunning and, along with the toasted marshmallows at camp, more than made up for the tough trek!